Hospital Admissions

Professor Steadman operates privately at the Mater Adult and Mater Children’s Private Hospitals.

You will be required to do some paperwork regarding your health fund and other important administrative details before you can be admitted. It is often essential to do these before admission to ensure that the item number for your surgery is covered by your private health insurance policy.

Online preadmission forms are available for Mater private hospitals via the Mater Patient Portal

Printed ‘patient packs’ will continue to be available to patients via their private specialist. However, patients are encouraged to complete forms online where possible.

Learn more about admissions

You will come to the hospital and go through the admissions process after which the nurses will guide you through the day of surgery admission centre. Professor Steadman will see you at the hospital before surgery and put a black pen mark on your limb prior to surgery, check your x-rays, and have any further discussions with you.