Multi-Disciplinary Therapy

Multidisciplinary team (MDT) care is a key feature of Professor Steadman’s practice as a service model of care. As a member of the Queensland Government Cancer Partnership board, he understands the value of multidisciplinary care in your care and in improving your outcome.

Multidisciplinary care occurs when professionals from a range of medical disciplines work together to deliver comprehensive care that addresses as many of your needs as possible. It is also provided by working with your own general practitioners along with community health and other health and community care professionals in different stages of your care as you recover.

A multidisciplinary team involves a range of health professionals,often from many organisations, working together to deliver comprehensive patient care.

The ideal multidisciplinary team in the initial diagnostic phase of your Sarcoma care includes:

  • Pathologists.
  • Oncologists.
  • Radiologists.
  • Design engineers for custom implants.
  • Computerised surgical navigation specialists.
  • Plastic surgeons.

Each specialist is coordinated by Professor Steadman as required to individualise your care and improve your outcome and recovery.

The multidisciplinary team changes as you progress your journey of ongoing care and rehabilitation and may then include:

  • Psychologists.
  • Community health nurse.
  • Allied health and rehabilitation professionals (may be a mix of government and non-government community health professionals) such as physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dieticians, psychologists, social workers, podiatrists, and Aboriginal Health Workers.
  • Health educators.

Multidisciplinary teams work togther and convey many benefits to both the patients and the health professionals working on the team. These include improved health outcomes and enhanced satisfaction for pateints.